
Steve has spent over 30 years as an educator. He knows education is the foundation that innovation and success are built upon. Steve will strongly support efforts to make Minnesota schools the best in the country. He is committed to investing in students of all ages, from early childhood through post-secondary, so Minnesota’s students are prepared to succeed in the modern world.

  • Expanding Preschool:  By offering more 4-year-olds the chance to attend preschool, we will close the opportunity gap and ensure more students are ready for school and have a better chance at a successful educational career.

  • Promoting Partnerships: Minnesota must expand partnerships between employers and higher learning institutions in order to train workers for high-wage and high-demand jobs so that we can build a 21st Century workforce.   

  • Investing in School Counselors: Minnesota has a school counselor crisis. Counselors have less time to spend with students with mental health concerns and career guidance questions--which leaves vulnerable students with unmet needs. Steve will invest in more school counselors to ensure that every student receives the support they need to succeed. 


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