Elected Leaders
Gov. Tim Walz
“As a state senator, Steve Cwodzinski has been a tireless advocate for the communities he serves. He is a valued partner who deeply understands what our students need to succeed and to fulfill their potential. His boundless optimism and enthusiasm for democracy is infectious. From one former social studies teacher to another, I am proud to support Steve Cwodzinski for State Senate.”
Ron Case, Mayor of Eden Prairie
“I support and endorse Sen. Steve Cwodzinski because he is a man of deep values and integrity who works tirelessly to represent the people of his district as well as being a voice for the greater good of all Minnesota.”
Brad Wiersum, Mayor of Minnetonka
“I’m happy to endorse Steve Cwodzinski for re-election to the MN State Senate. We need good people in these offices, and Steve is one of those. I’m thankful for everything he does in office.”
Terry Schneider, Former Mayor of Minnetonka
“I am very impressed by Steve’s willingness to keep an open mind, gather all of the important facts, and verify the facts before he forms a position on an issue. He is able to maintain his core values while being open to new ideas and realities. It is very refreshing to see someone with that ability run for the state legislature rather than someone who is unwilling to give serious consideration to other people’s views and understanding of the facts, but default to positions based on ideology rather than facts.“
Nancy Tyra-Lukens, Former Mayor of Eden Prairie
“Steve has been a positive force in the Senate because of his interest in collaboration, communication skills and a dedication to finding solutions. After years of inspiring and educating our students, getting to know parents and community members, he has continued representing the interests of our residents, not a personal political philosophy in the State Senate. I whole-heartedly endorse Steve Cwodzinski for State Senate.”